Visit SuperFlight for a Thriving Wind Tunnel Flying Experience in Miami
There was a time when there were limited wind tunnels in Miami that you could count on one hand. But due to their increased popularity, they are everywhere now. And flying in a wind tunnel provides the most thrilling experience that nothing can provide on this planet. What is Wind Tunnel Flying? A wind tunnel is a tool that is used in aerodynamic research to test the models of proposed aircraft. Thus, a recreational wind tunnel flying enables a person to experience the feeling of flight without any plane or parachute. The wind tunnel is the best option for those who want to practice skydiving skills without the frustration of stormy weather, parachute packing, aircraft flights and waiting around on an airfield to skydive. It’s a type of skydiving as it provides floating flying experience like skydiving. People under the age of 18 who can’t make an actual skydive can also participate in wind tunnel skydiving (indoor skydiving). Where to Get Wild Tunnel Flying Experience ...